Common questions that you might encounter while registering online to be a donor. These questions and answers are specifically related to the online donor registry.
Question: If I am in an accident, and the hospital knows that I want to be a donor, they will withhold treatment and not attempt to save my life.
Answer: Medical professionals will do everything they can to save your life. The doctors who work to save your life are not the same doctors involved with organ donation. It is only after every attempt has been made to save your life that donation will be considered. In fact, from a medical standpoint, patients must receive the most aggressive life-saving care in order to be potential organ donors.
Question: I worry they'll take out my organs before I'm dead.
Answer: Organ and tissue donation is only accepted following the declaration of death by a doctor not involved in transplantation. In California, two licensed physicians must make the diagnosis of brain death before the potential donor’s family is consulted regarding donation.
Question: Only famous or wealthy people get organ transplants.
Answer: UNOS and the country's transplant centers have created a waiting list, which has each waiting recipient by weight, height and blood group. Priority depends on scientific and medical factors, including urgency of need, length of time on the waiting list, blood type and organ size compatibility. Factors such as race, gender, age, income or celebrity status are never considered when determining who receives an organ.
Question: My religion does not support organ donation.
Answer: Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish faiths support donation as an act of human benevolence in keeping with religious doctrine. They believe that this is essentially a gift of life to another person. Meanwhile, the religions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam believe that organ donation is a matter of individual conscience. If you have questions in this regard, we encourage you to consult with your religious leader. No major religion opposes organ donation.
Question: I can't be a donor because I want an open casket funeral.
Answer: The donation operation is done under surgical, sterile conditions in a hospital operating room. The body will be treated with respect and reverence. The donation of organs and/or tissues will not disfigure the body, or interfere with an open casket funeral should you desire one.
Question: Donation will be costly to my family.
Answer: Costs related to organ and/or tissue donations will be covered by the organ and tissue donor program. You will not be financially responsible for any aspect of the donation process. However, medical care up to the point of donation, funeral arrangements and costs remain the responsibility of the relatives or persons in charge of the estate.
Question: No one will want my organs because of my medical history. Besides, I'm too old to be a donor.
Answer: Everyone, regardless of their age or health condition is urged to sign up on the LifeShare Oklahoma Registry, because at the time of death, medical professionals will determine a person's eligibility to become an organ and tissue donor. Even cancer patients can potentially donate, and there are cases of organ donors in their mid-seventies and older.
Question: If I donate my loved one's organs, the recipient of the organs and/or tissues will know who I am.
Answer: The identity of all parties is kept confidential. The donor family and the transplant recipient may receive such information as age, sex and state of residence. Individually, the recipient may be told the circumstances of death, and the donor's family may be informed of the transplants that were performed and receive feedback on how the health of the recipients has improved. The donation agencies facilitate correspondence and meetings initiated by either the donor family or recipient and agreed to by both parties.
Question: If I am in an accident, and the hospital knows that I want to be a donor, they will withhold treatment and not attempt to save my life.
Answer: Medical professionals will do everything they can to save your life. The doctors who work to save your life are not the same doctors involved with organ donation. It is only after every attempt has been made to save your life that donation will be considered. In fact, from a medical standpoint, patients must receive the most aggressive life-saving care in order to be potential organ donors.
Question: I worry they'll take out my organs before I'm dead.
Answer: Organ and tissue donation is only accepted following the declaration of death by a doctor not involved in transplantation. In California, two licensed physicians must make the diagnosis of brain death before the potential donor’s family is consulted regarding donation.
Question: Only famous or wealthy people get organ transplants.
Answer: UNOS and the country's transplant centers have created a waiting list, which has each waiting recipient by weight, height and blood group. Priority depends on scientific and medical factors, including urgency of need, length of time on the waiting list, blood type and organ size compatibility. Factors such as race, gender, age, income or celebrity status are never considered when determining who receives an organ.
Question: My religion does not support organ donation.
Answer: Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish faiths support donation as an act of human benevolence in keeping with religious doctrine. They believe that this is essentially a gift of life to another person. Meanwhile, the religions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam believe that organ donation is a matter of individual conscience. If you have questions in this regard, we encourage you to consult with your religious leader. No major religion opposes organ donation.
Question: I can't be a donor because I want an open casket funeral.
Answer: The donation operation is done under surgical, sterile conditions in a hospital operating room. The body will be treated with respect and reverence. The donation of organs and/or tissues will not disfigure the body, or interfere with an open casket funeral should you desire one.
Question: Donation will be costly to my family.
Answer: Costs related to organ and/or tissue donations will be covered by the organ and tissue donor program. You will not be financially responsible for any aspect of the donation process. However, medical care up to the point of donation, funeral arrangements and costs remain the responsibility of the relatives or persons in charge of the estate.
Question: No one will want my organs because of my medical history. Besides, I'm too old to be a donor.
Answer: Everyone, regardless of their age or health condition is urged to sign up on the LifeShare Oklahoma Registry, because at the time of death, medical professionals will determine a person's eligibility to become an organ and tissue donor. Even cancer patients can potentially donate, and there are cases of organ donors in their mid-seventies and older.
Question: If I donate my loved one's organs, the recipient of the organs and/or tissues will know who I am.
Answer: The identity of all parties is kept confidential. The donor family and the transplant recipient may receive such information as age, sex and state of residence. Individually, the recipient may be told the circumstances of death, and the donor's family may be informed of the transplants that were performed and receive feedback on how the health of the recipients has improved. The donation agencies facilitate correspondence and meetings initiated by either the donor family or recipient and agreed to by both parties.